FM Whatsapp is a communication application. Through the make use of this application each and every individual person connected with the world. Through assist of the FMWhatsapp application you can easily know anybody’s online either offline status, who was saved your contact list or anybody messages you or not.
Everyone is familiar with WhatsApp, however the complication arises when we want to hide our blue ticks along with you want to make use of this application privately. For the reason that you want to use Whatsapp privately without letting the individuals be instructed. Regarding this problem the solution is FM Whatsapp. It is a third party application. APK is developed by ‘Fouads MODS’.
So today in this article i am gonna inform you about the FM Whatsapp app. Also give details about application. Such as :
- FM Whatsapp information
- The method to install application.
- Procedure to download on Android for free
- Procedure to install Mod APK.
- Required permission regarding make use of the application.
- APK best features.
FM Whatsapp APK Information
Application name | FM Whatsapp |
Application size | 76MB |
Downloads regarding this application | 1000000+ |
Application users | Approximately 2 Billion + |
The method to install FM Whatsapp application

During the period of time if we examined the internet then we come to know regarding several modes and types whatsapp application. Regarding this application the common question is – “why we make of use the FM Whatsapp application along with why we go for the Yo Whatsapp either Whatsapp plus?.”
Then my answer is quite straightforward: For the reason is that application comes with a lot of remarkable features which provides you several benefits also makes your social life trouble free.
On condition that , If you are wide awake regarding your privacy then i prefer you to make use of the MOD APK. Then as a outcome the MOD APK secures your privacy.
Procedure to download FM Whatsapp Apk on Android for free

On condition that you want to download the FM Whatsapp apk without facing no difficulty, then follow the mentioned steps which are provided below:
Steps for Download the FM Whatsapp:
- Step 1, At first open your device’s browser and open
- Step 2, After opening you will be able to see the download button.
- Step 3, After tap to the download button , apk downloading procedure have a tendency to started.
- Step4, After completed the procedure APK has been downloaded on your device.
Conditions to download FM Whatsapp
- Directed towards make of use of this application you need to a stable internet connection on your device.
- Directed towards download the application you have a ought to have some free memory on your device.
- Directed towards download this application your device ought to be supported the Android version 4.0 .
Procedure to install FM Whatsapp Mod APK
On condition that if you download the FM Whatsapp APK file , then the next task is install the APK. So the install procedure i made for you quite simple. Just follow the steps which are mentioned below:
- Step 1, After download the FM Whatsapp APK , first find out the download section with regard to your device’s browser.
- Step 2, After find out the download section then simply tap on the download file.
- Step3 , Next straightforwardly tap to the install option which was make visible on your device’s screen.
- The Installation procedure regarding this application take a few period of time. So simply wait until the installation procedure have a tendency to completed.
- Step4, After complete the install procedure simply tap to the “Done “option.
After that the installation procedure is completed.
Required permission regarding make use of the FM Whatsapp application.

After completed the download and Installation procedure regarding the FM Whatsapp application, there are few required permission regarding make use of this application that you allow on your device.
As a benefit the Whatsapp application runs smoothly without no difficulty. The application required some permissions like :
- Permission regarding your device’s contacts.
- Permission regarding your device’s memory.
- Permission regarding your device’s Camera.
- Permission regarding your device’s Microphone along with notifications.
Regarding this required permissions if you grant these permissions which are mentioned above you are allowed to make use of the FM Whatsapp application features.
FM Whatsapp APK best features
There are numerous features which were available FM Whatsapp application.Such as :
- Make use of one Whatsapp account on incompatible devices.
- Several Whatsapp accounts on one device.
- Ghost mode feature.
- Ticky style.
- Look through deleted messages.
- Extra privacy feature
- Multi step lock feature.
- File sharing limitations.
- Translator feature.
- Status saver feature.
- Flight mode.
Final Words
At last in this article it is cleared that FM Whatsapp is a third party application which also comes with a lot of features that provided you a lot of benefits.
Regarding the FM Whatsapp the download along with installation procedure , features etc are presuming in this article.
So at the end today in this article i am provided you each and every necessary information with regard to the ” FM Whatsapp ” application. I hope you will recognized the information regarding this app.
Make use of one Whatsapp account on incompatible devices
Through the scanning of QR code and add the phone number you can easily make use of one account on another devices.
On application this feature is attainable from the “Add account option”.
Several Whatsapp accounts on one device
FM whatsapp presuming you the feature which you can easily utilize and as a outcome you can easily access several Whatsapp accounts on one device.
Ghost mode feature
On condition that you want to use whatsapp without informed other people your online and offline period status. Then this app provides you the Ghost mode feature.
Through make use of the Ghost mode feature you can without difficulty hide your online and offline status.
Ticky style
The FM Whatsapp application Ticky style is a customization feature that provided by this application. A lot of people make a desire to customize their blue ticks on whatsapp.
So if you want to customize your blue tick symbol then WhatsApp provided you more than 70+ style ticks.
Extra privacy feature
On condition that if you are wide aware regarding your privacy. Then this app provided you several privacy options. Such as : hide blue ticks , hide online status , hide view story etc.
Multi step lock feature
Virtually each and every individual person during the time of period want to hide their status . So locked their phone or use app lock .
However the FM Whatsapp provides you the multi step lock feature. Through the make use of this feature you can easily locked your private chats.
File sharing limitations
On a normar whatsapp there are a limitation regarding the file sharing. But through make use of this FM Whatsapp application you can easily shared any type or any size file. There are no limitations.
Translator feature
This FM Whatsapp application provides you a translator feature which you can use to translate any type of langauge.
Status saver feature
This application provided you a status saver feature which you can utilize to save any type of videos or trending photos or topic that uploaded another Individual person’s Whatsapp status.
Flight mode
On condition that if you are busy regarding some other activity then you simply on the flight mode as a outcome : you are not able to receive any types from your Whatsapp.
On FM Whatsapp application this feature simply turn off the internet connection. So you are not able to received any types of message.